Saturday, July 26, 2008


this is an email recently sent to a remarkable english fellow i met whilst in a small town in the bhagsu, mcleod ganj, dharamsala, himachal pradesh, india, also the home of Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama.   He was studying tibetan tantra amongst many other things, is writing a book on the subject, giving a number of different workshops and is, like many folks of similiar interests, cultivating things towards the establishment of a community in an abandoned sri lankan coastal temple.  

"dear mark
it is quite bizarre that i have not contacted you yet, but alas, here we are. this is rob, the australian guy you met in bhagsu in late may. we talked at length about transformational studies, tantra, sri lanka and the like. im sure you remember. how are you?
as i might have told you i spent a year just gone travelling the world enjoying the fruits of life with a special task set upon myself which, although arising from conscience and pure ambition, was sometimes quite starry eyed. the task was to meet people around the world who were, as it were, privy to the special pulse currently arising in our beautiful planet in relation to the paramount changes on all levels of life, and those interested thusly in what is to be done in relation to the formation and consolidation of unified systems of ontology and conscious evolution that can be nurtured towards the maintanance of our beloved earth culture on an individual level for those ever increasing number of awakened individuals struggling to find their place and their integrity in our chaotic 21st century matrix. in short, to assess the possibilties in regards to change of a grass-roots and mass scale in the formation of communities and settlement grounded in the light of clear conscience. after meeting some very remarkable men and women in europe and in asia, including one, russia's highest reiki master in outer rural limites of st petersburg, two, a long time affiliated studier of all esoteric systems and the recent inheritor of some 35 million euro for the establishment of an enlightened ayurveda hospital on the germano-austrian border, three, a man who after living in india for some years, psychic treasure hunting in the phillipines, and observing peoples posture and muscular movement for 2 years, has cracked the code of physical intelligence under all levels of psychic life and is now the developer of a new system of full body undoing, four, a crazed berliner philosopher who has invented a new german language in the hopes of nurturing germany's intellectual intelligence in the light of spiritual experience in the hope of forming communities in major european cities and reclaiming urban space into a 'living garden', five, a young tamal healing master who is developing manuals and instructions for psychic survival in a asian city environment under the auster guidance of krishnamurti and steiner, six, a bengali brahmin classical music devotee who has studied the vedic history of the subcontinent for some decades and who is setting up a school in varanasi and bihar towards the cultivation of harmonious living through music and nature, and finally seven, a himachali goswami sadhu priest who, apart from having 6000 year old vedic monuments lying in the grass in his back yard in the kangra valley, has an awareness and clear light that fits all the descriptions of those remarkable enlightened fellows who we read about in miraculous tales of indian sainthood and who intitiated me into the ancient systems of his ancestry. luckily these fellows became good friends, and like we discussed, it is not at all a surprise that they share a collective dream/ambition/will for the sustainability of the human species
to cut a long and arduous and still quite starry-eyed story short, i met you in my last days of india and my last days of year long travel, and consider our meeting the perfect british icing on an already quite scrumcious cake. our meeting which you might remember after a freedom cafe open-mic in which you played your songs which touched me deeply and coloured my minds wanderings for 2 weeks after, was quite a hefty download of awareness and was almost too good to be true. your comments about empathy, ambition, polarity harmony, the grounded belly fire of nurtured gravity centre, and the 'tigily' helped crystalise some amazing insights. not to mention that i/we can really do what is our greatest ambition as long as we dont think that we are really anyone that special, and that bringing out and expressing creatively our response to the world from deep inside is really about the best thing that we can do, as after all, as you said, 'thats what the consciousness is doing'. and too say the least, your story about the sri lankan temple was enough to let me know that the web of life truly does reveal itself to those who set their path in the light of what gurdjieff remarks as the words of saint moses egyptian teacher, that the greatest feeling we can get as humans is the 'satisfaction-of-self that arises after the attainment of one's set aim made whilst in the cognisance of a clear conscience'. this is mind, great things are to follow. i hope and trust greatly that you are well and that things shine on you warmly in this time wherever you are. I very much hope to hear from you and be in contact with you soon so that i may learn more about the book you said you were writing and generally about the work that you are cultivating and sharing. if not from the things you talked about, but purely from your songs, you seem like a very pleasant, warm and remarkable man. so peace to you now, hope you enjoyed my amusing email written whilst in a jolly mood, and hope to hear from you soon!
sincerly, deeply and with great respect
rob :)
'beautiful beautiful day, when i woke up, when you woke up, when he woke up, when she woke up, when we woke up to love in action. beautiful beautiful day, when love became a revolution/revelation'. wonderful

i hope i hear from him !

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