the natural process that occur within the human system are constantly and unstoppably changing from minute to minute, and are as diverse as the individual facets of the human character. however, their emotional-mental dynamic follows a universal architecture from which in seeming limitedness, unlimited realities are possible
the human system is a flowing series of living processes that interact with the consciousness of the earth and the cosmos. As a conduit for earthly infomation to feed the sun, and for solar and planetary information to feed the earth, we are constantly in physical movement, in emotional dynamism, in intellectual conceptualisation and in spiritual unification. As a result, human culture as we know is the interractive process of DNA interracting with geography. A human group first stabilises itself in its immediate geographic and temporal climate and proceeds to respond to it, the day-to-day processes of self being interractive processes of energy absorbtion, organisation and communication. Absorbtion is the stage of when the energy has been experienced, when the indibidual life system has come into direct personal contact with it. Organisation is the stage when the individual has begun to reflect on the energy, intellectually and emotionally, and began to determine its value reletive to all other faculties of consciousness, reason, intuition, and conscience. Communication is the stage when the individual has come to a reletive conlclusion, a state of completion, and when he/she may then proceed to naturally create something new for the earth consciousness out of the processes information. This will occur naturally, and is a naturally occuring part of the human organism as much as is the common feature of 10 fingers and 10 toes. It is a natural part of awareness to bring out into the world what is most deep once it has been clarified and understood and embraced as a reletive Truth
The nature of this process is up to the individual, but the nature of its nature, so to speak, can be found in all human cultures and societies. All fields of art, music, literature and performance is an expression of this natural aspect of consciousness. As it it is a natural flowing part of each individual being, it is therefore the nature for each individual, if he/she wishes to cultivate and produce life for lifes sake, to find/connect with this flow in their life system and claim it. The neccessity of reclaimation is because of the imbalanced nature of our human societies and in the way in which natural human creativity has been exploited, coerced and systemised in a way to replicate the mechanical and scattered nature of sleeping human civlisation. If we are too awaken, the key is not in escaping from the clutches of our mother culture, but by redefining out relationship to it in a way that allows for the individual expression of spirit through the body.
As spirit needs a body to exist on earth, the body and its processes are fundamental in 'embodying' spirit, 'attaining' so called 'states' of consciousness and generally in cultivating a harmonious life on earth. As the nature of this creative process of consciousness is for it to flow from the system into the earth concsiousness, and because no one but ourselves are resonsible for its flow, we must find out own relationship to this process. This is called 'finding your groove'. The aboriginal people of Australia speak about 'finding your dance', and their rites consist of the initiate dancing in their own individual way to the flow of spirit through the body. Hence, the dance is a direct way to complete the cycle of absorbtion, organisation, and communication in the physical body. All the arts, i mean all of them, are other ways for this process to occur. The systemisation and 'mainstream' nature of arts are a result of people who have not realised and actualised the very individual nature of this process.
In modern society, the average human who possesses a considerable intelligence and a well-developed conscience, will no doubt understand that responding to the onslaught of mass-media and communications are of sometimes very tricky means, and as we all have a responsablity to respond, a response-ability, to the 'stuff' of our culture, the cunning human will need to use a crafty intelligence to find a style and niche by which they can stabilise their intelligence and maintain their own sanity through states of reletive uncertainty when bombarded with an overload of information such as that which the massmedia contains. Therefore, maintaining self-defined intelligence requires one to find their groove and be able to have it well-stabilised enough to allow for periods of high-velocity. As well as the myriad ways in which this can happen, which can be found in the universal means of human expression, the dance, having been used in literally all of primitive societies, is without doubt something of importance if it is used in stablised and integrated means. the clock ticks, as the days go by, as the moon waxes and wains, and the heavenly bodies turn, as the seasons go by, as we grow and die and are reborn...boom, boom, boom, boom...... (repeat forever)...
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Absorption, Organisation, Communication
reminds me a little of one day when i was thoroughly intoxicated with thc and came up with:
Communication is Compensation of Information.
(Pendere, lat. to hang, + con, together = to hang together -> to be linked up)
Since human consciousness is in its real nature a root like network of awareness nodes (individuals) one is able share and spread experience to the network and in fact is on the ther hand dependent on doing this to maintain a certain stability.
One is consciously or unconsciously dependent on the social and intellectual feedback (Resonance) with society (Reality).
As we say in vernacular german
"Geteilts Leid, ist halbes Leid"
"Shared Suffering is half Suffering"
"Glueck ist das einzige, was sich verdoppelt wenn man es teilt"
"Happines is the only thing which duplicates when yo share it"
Simple but true and interesting if you see it under the correlation between ENERGY and INFORMATION, which i consider the same from a systemic or philosophical viewpoint.
As in platonic or vedic philosophy the sun is the center of all creation, the optimum bonum.
Its both a Metaphor for Light, Enlightment, Awareness and Knowledge and in the same way it is in fact the source of ALL life on earth, as it is the main condition for photo synthesis, the process when anorganic matter becomes nutritious organic matter in the metabolism of a plant.
Coming back to "Communication is Compensation of Information" I think of Darren Aronofskys film "Pi" where the main character is an eccentric genius mathematician who as a child looked into the sun and since then has extraordinary intellectual capabilities and metaphysical insights but in the same time give him severe attacks of migraine since then.
He as an Individual is not able to cope with the universal information he has attained. He has no friends, lives in a small and dark new york apartment alone with his bizarrely huge computer steadily becoming more paranoid.
A Metaphor for the detached genius who in his mental urge for enlightenment looses contact with the earth, i.e. the resonance with the web of consciousness.
Finally: Man alone is not or not yet capable to "look into the sun" and in his nature made for resonating with his surroundings, sharing what he gathers and thus being able to transform the reality of earth to more advanced and harmonic states. Until we have opened our resonance to the highest possible degree, we wont be able to absorb the energy/information of the cosm. We as a vessel of consciousness are individually hardly able to "withstand the impact" of cosmic consciousness
It is not at all reasonable anymore to think of man as an sole individual which is connected to his environment only in a sociological and economic scale.
Mankind itself should be considered as an massive energy system which is working as an catalyst between mind and matter, slowly converting the unmanifested into creation
We are the Branches and Roots of the Tree of Life nurtured by the sun of pure consciousness, the Atman.
We are absorbing the pure light of our divine core, like a plant the light of the sun. But also: absorbing the not so pure experiences of our all-day realities like plants absorbing CO2 the "impure" by-product of breathing.
We are organizing it according to our own cultural and individual vibration, i.e. processing this information into the sugar of love and the oxygen of creative thoughts to finally create the fruit which contains and communicates the taste of infinite new realities.
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