Friday, October 24, 2008

True Conscience

unfortunately we must all bear with the consequences that our biological and energetic life is pre-destined towards the awakening and arising of conscience, and that this conscience in its archetectural orientation towards good will is the inevitable goal of all life if it strives to keep living, which must always and inavoidably be sustainable and harmonious with its dependable life source and dependable landscape. Unfortutaley no matter how much we strive towards our personal egoisms and modes and pathways of self-satisfaction, we will eventually, if we choose to live, have to face up to the inherant good nature that resonantes and manifests from the centre of consciousness. we will, of course, then discover that the flowing state of beingness that we as organisms are at essence naturally drawn to by all ambition, desire and magnetism, is one that resonates freely and interractively with its source and environment. as such, we have evolved with specfic and fundamental polarities and mechanisms by which the uniqueness of our being can express itself. as the chicken sees, we cannot escape from our own conscience, and never escape from our inevitable encounter with the infinite, and as such we can never escape the true resonanation and good will that arises when such an encounter occurs.

as 'we', a term denoting the perceived experience of a seperate self by organisms such as ours, are a neutralising pulse of life that arises from the merging of two polar energetic forces above and below us but at essence singuarly in non-local space-time, we naturally learn to serve them/it as we become familiar with their/it's needs, with their/its obvious purpose, with the natural surge that orientates and directs all flow towards the centre. as such, conscience is a state and direct here/now presence that metaphysically speaking is a sort of step-down transformer for two energies to be made manifest. It is the state in which our common mother and father speak through us. On a personal level, on a practical level, and ultimately on the level that really matters, this sensation comes by that which rings true to us, that which resonantes as right, as moral, in the eyes of our mother and father. The conscience that is centre to all beings, and by which, despite the multiplicities and seeming chaos of humanity's destruction, all life and human culture is centred. Humananity's good will may often be betrayed, and with millenia of destruction causing unparalleled imbalanced, but as we see it as imbalance positis that such a centre point of balance exists. And from the judgement of this centre point being the arising of what we refer to and feel as justice, Conscience is sourced, and Consciousness is thus orientated.

As such, a consciuos surrender of will towards the root will always land the spirit back in its instinctual centre. Egoisms disappear and are transformed once the expanded reality of them is accepted upon in conscience. The act of crying is nothing but the casting of the solid ego over the expansive ocean of awareness, which brings water and darkness back where form in light had strived unsuccessfully. From there life grows instintively from the dark and once again strives to the light in form. When forms have become outdated as new energy is sources from the landscape, they once again break down to be recycled. SO runs the pulse between sun and moon, being and non-being, the inbreath and outbreath, as the essence, via the multiple polarities and facets of our being, seeks it union.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Notes on Post-History

Recent activities in the global stock market, the leaking from american folks on the inside reporting of the frenzy of Republican stupidity that now has come home to roost, and reports from friends working in broker firms seem to inform me that the verdict is pretty much out - due to the recent decline in the global virtual economy, which enormous resources are now and will be expended towards its maintance and sustainability, the dream of American capitalism has finally been toppled and the future remains more realistically uncertain.  The USA is no longer the major world power.  The systems of control of the US are now officially collapsing and who really knows how many folks in the Middle East, Russia and China are getting more than a few kicks out of the whole mess.  China is now the leading power in the world, and as such it can be seen that, in Althusser's terms, the Ideological State Apparatus of the USA, which via its electronic media and Imperial Hollywood has acted as something of a massive viral parasite plaguing the worlds airwaves and creating horizontally inclined feeding frenzies of mass hysteria, psychosis and abstraction.  The Dreaming of modern America, in its promised visions and massively schizoid reality structures now no longer have their military-industrial and economic footing to hold the whole thing together.  The hyper-accelerated and abstracted maze of American Dreaming which, purely by the disharmonic nature of its evolution and which openly and directly feeds the human energtic system with information designed to create a sort of closed tension system, is now being dissolved.  The energies of our Neptunian and Plutonian friends are now open for dissolution, destruction and renewal.

As such, you may now proceed to retreat from that massively distorted beast of accelerated madness which has so plagued the world and begin to reclaim yourself and participate freely in the creation of your own mythology and the feeding of your own life centres as you want them.  Planetary Intelligence can now be directly engaged with on your own terms in order for your vertical stability to be sustained and the life within you to grow.  Go ! 

Saturday, July 26, 2008


this is an email recently sent to a remarkable english fellow i met whilst in a small town in the bhagsu, mcleod ganj, dharamsala, himachal pradesh, india, also the home of Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama.   He was studying tibetan tantra amongst many other things, is writing a book on the subject, giving a number of different workshops and is, like many folks of similiar interests, cultivating things towards the establishment of a community in an abandoned sri lankan coastal temple.  

"dear mark
it is quite bizarre that i have not contacted you yet, but alas, here we are. this is rob, the australian guy you met in bhagsu in late may. we talked at length about transformational studies, tantra, sri lanka and the like. im sure you remember. how are you?
as i might have told you i spent a year just gone travelling the world enjoying the fruits of life with a special task set upon myself which, although arising from conscience and pure ambition, was sometimes quite starry eyed. the task was to meet people around the world who were, as it were, privy to the special pulse currently arising in our beautiful planet in relation to the paramount changes on all levels of life, and those interested thusly in what is to be done in relation to the formation and consolidation of unified systems of ontology and conscious evolution that can be nurtured towards the maintanance of our beloved earth culture on an individual level for those ever increasing number of awakened individuals struggling to find their place and their integrity in our chaotic 21st century matrix. in short, to assess the possibilties in regards to change of a grass-roots and mass scale in the formation of communities and settlement grounded in the light of clear conscience. after meeting some very remarkable men and women in europe and in asia, including one, russia's highest reiki master in outer rural limites of st petersburg, two, a long time affiliated studier of all esoteric systems and the recent inheritor of some 35 million euro for the establishment of an enlightened ayurveda hospital on the germano-austrian border, three, a man who after living in india for some years, psychic treasure hunting in the phillipines, and observing peoples posture and muscular movement for 2 years, has cracked the code of physical intelligence under all levels of psychic life and is now the developer of a new system of full body undoing, four, a crazed berliner philosopher who has invented a new german language in the hopes of nurturing germany's intellectual intelligence in the light of spiritual experience in the hope of forming communities in major european cities and reclaiming urban space into a 'living garden', five, a young tamal healing master who is developing manuals and instructions for psychic survival in a asian city environment under the auster guidance of krishnamurti and steiner, six, a bengali brahmin classical music devotee who has studied the vedic history of the subcontinent for some decades and who is setting up a school in varanasi and bihar towards the cultivation of harmonious living through music and nature, and finally seven, a himachali goswami sadhu priest who, apart from having 6000 year old vedic monuments lying in the grass in his back yard in the kangra valley, has an awareness and clear light that fits all the descriptions of those remarkable enlightened fellows who we read about in miraculous tales of indian sainthood and who intitiated me into the ancient systems of his ancestry. luckily these fellows became good friends, and like we discussed, it is not at all a surprise that they share a collective dream/ambition/will for the sustainability of the human species
to cut a long and arduous and still quite starry-eyed story short, i met you in my last days of india and my last days of year long travel, and consider our meeting the perfect british icing on an already quite scrumcious cake. our meeting which you might remember after a freedom cafe open-mic in which you played your songs which touched me deeply and coloured my minds wanderings for 2 weeks after, was quite a hefty download of awareness and was almost too good to be true. your comments about empathy, ambition, polarity harmony, the grounded belly fire of nurtured gravity centre, and the 'tigily' helped crystalise some amazing insights. not to mention that i/we can really do what is our greatest ambition as long as we dont think that we are really anyone that special, and that bringing out and expressing creatively our response to the world from deep inside is really about the best thing that we can do, as after all, as you said, 'thats what the consciousness is doing'. and too say the least, your story about the sri lankan temple was enough to let me know that the web of life truly does reveal itself to those who set their path in the light of what gurdjieff remarks as the words of saint moses egyptian teacher, that the greatest feeling we can get as humans is the 'satisfaction-of-self that arises after the attainment of one's set aim made whilst in the cognisance of a clear conscience'. this is mind, great things are to follow. i hope and trust greatly that you are well and that things shine on you warmly in this time wherever you are. I very much hope to hear from you and be in contact with you soon so that i may learn more about the book you said you were writing and generally about the work that you are cultivating and sharing. if not from the things you talked about, but purely from your songs, you seem like a very pleasant, warm and remarkable man. so peace to you now, hope you enjoyed my amusing email written whilst in a jolly mood, and hope to hear from you soon!
sincerly, deeply and with great respect
rob :)
'beautiful beautiful day, when i woke up, when you woke up, when he woke up, when she woke up, when we woke up to love in action. beautiful beautiful day, when love became a revolution/revelation'. wonderful

i hope i hear from him !


define yourself or be defined...

respond to the incoming energy creatively, and hence reclaim your humanness

plant your rightful base in chaos gratefully, allow Great Nature to nurture the 4 directions of your being

see that your bodies are trying to come together as a natural life process, seek to harmonise yourself with that life process, go with the flow when the time comes, and then when the times comes to go against it, go against it.

understand that proper awakening occurs when your three centers have found their natural harmony with eachother. nurture your centers towards their natural synchrony with all life

allow the energy of the spheres to harmonise themselves, sun and moon, venus and mars, saturn and jupiter etc.

free yourself so that the energy of humanity may flow freely through you, and you can begin to create from your highest will, so that from the mass of unawakened consciousness, you can begin your position as a harmonious member of the universe

hari aum ;)

Monday, July 7, 2008


the natural process that occur within the human system are constantly and unstoppably changing from minute to minute, and are as diverse as the individual facets of the human character. however, their emotional-mental dynamic follows a universal architecture from which in seeming limitedness, unlimited realities are possible


the human system is a flowing series of living processes that interact with the consciousness of the earth and the cosmos. As a conduit for earthly infomation to feed the sun, and for solar and planetary information to feed the earth, we are constantly in physical movement, in emotional dynamism, in intellectual conceptualisation and in spiritual unification. As a result, human culture as we know is the interractive process of DNA interracting with geography. A human group first stabilises itself in its immediate geographic and temporal climate and proceeds to respond to it, the day-to-day processes of self being interractive processes of energy absorbtion, organisation and communication. Absorbtion is the stage of when the energy has been experienced, when the indibidual life system has come into direct personal contact with it. Organisation is the stage when the individual has begun to reflect on the energy, intellectually and emotionally, and began to determine its value reletive to all other faculties of consciousness, reason, intuition, and conscience. Communication is the stage when the individual has come to a reletive conlclusion, a state of completion, and when he/she may then proceed to naturally create something new for the earth consciousness out of the processes information. This will occur naturally, and is a naturally occuring part of the human organism as much as is the common feature of 10 fingers and 10 toes. It is a natural part of awareness to bring out into the world what is most deep once it has been clarified and understood and embraced as a reletive Truth

The nature of this process is up to the individual, but the nature of its nature, so to speak, can be found in all human cultures and societies. All fields of art, music, literature and performance is an expression of this natural aspect of consciousness. As it it is a natural flowing part of each individual being, it is therefore the nature for each individual, if he/she wishes to cultivate and produce life for lifes sake, to find/connect with this flow in their life system and claim it. The neccessity of reclaimation is because of the imbalanced nature of our human societies and in the way in which natural human creativity has been exploited, coerced and systemised in a way to replicate the mechanical and scattered nature of sleeping human civlisation. If we are too awaken, the key is not in escaping from the clutches of our mother culture, but by redefining out relationship to it in a way that allows for the individual expression of spirit through the body.

As spirit needs a body to exist on earth, the body and its processes are fundamental in 'embodying' spirit, 'attaining' so called 'states' of consciousness and generally in cultivating a harmonious life on earth. As the nature of this creative process of consciousness is for it to flow from the system into the earth concsiousness, and because no one but ourselves are resonsible for its flow, we must find out own relationship to this process. This is called 'finding your groove'. The aboriginal people of Australia speak about 'finding your dance', and their rites consist of the initiate dancing in their own individual way to the flow of spirit through the body. Hence, the dance is a direct way to complete the cycle of absorbtion, organisation, and communication in the physical body. All the arts, i mean all of them, are other ways for this process to occur. The systemisation and 'mainstream' nature of arts are a result of people who have not realised and actualised the very individual nature of this process.

In modern society, the average human who possesses a considerable intelligence and a well-developed conscience, will no doubt understand that responding to the onslaught of mass-media and communications are of sometimes very tricky means, and as we all have a responsablity to respond, a response-ability, to the 'stuff' of our culture, the cunning human will need to use a crafty intelligence to find a style and niche by which they can stabilise their intelligence and maintain their own sanity through states of reletive uncertainty when bombarded with an overload of information such as that which the massmedia contains. Therefore, maintaining self-defined intelligence requires one to find their groove and be able to have it well-stabilised enough to allow for periods of high-velocity. As well as the myriad ways in which this can happen, which can be found in the universal means of human expression, the dance, having been used in literally all of primitive societies, is without doubt something of importance if it is used in stablised and integrated means. the clock ticks, as the days go by, as the moon waxes and wains, and the heavenly bodies turn, as the seasons go by, as we grow and die and are reborn...boom, boom, boom, boom...... (repeat forever)...

Monday, March 31, 2008


music as ritual evoker of divine awareness, the spiral uplifting flow from non-being into being and into completed being, the light of awareness of polarity harmonization, the completion of emotional cycles into the liquid flow of being...

dance party culture as nomadic stabilizer, as carrier for multi-dimensional grounding, of autonomous expression transgressing the limitations of capitalism... dancing as transmuter of cultural debris, the weeping feelings and mental geometries finding completion in dance ecstatic ritual... the raw energy of cultural stuff finding its unfolding, the light of awareness from ecstatic dance flowing boyonltly into the water of life, the earth of base following its truth in free flowing fire....

mother culture as literal mother, subconscious stuff to which consciousness is surrendered. the forms and contours by which conscious is fed becomes conditioner of all subsequent content. thus what and who we give in our support to shall be the source of our bias.. the body, the earth, the personal connection to mother earth, being the personal connection to individual form and thus the key to individuation and right conscious creation.

crying to the mother, the surrender of all form to comfort so that earth may carry our love. When we have surrendered unto our body shall we be the creators of our lives beyond our capitalist matrix

our genetic history, feeding back our roots with love, we act as transformers for our family, being the divine child to which we show our mother and father our love... gratitude as our means of unification of the free flowing love of the cosmos

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


this hazed mass of furious abstraction comes to that unified zone of completion, through the multiplicity of european pluralism and the all out barage of intensity shooting through the murky haze of party culture and the new avatars of possibilities onto the world stage, deroding away the staticity of cultural perception by engaging directly and creatively to the stages of evolution we have been experiencing.

the dance towards the infinite, the beauty and unified direction of all human art, all cultural pursuit, the relying of spiritual messages into the tangible world as a means of building bridges between the earth and sky - the pure energy of consciousness seeking form and definition, reaching its completion point in the earth centre, then returning through the levels of human experience up and out into the unknown

and in this furious maze all borders fall away, all form dissolves in the increase of the infinite, and the reletive nothingness and everythingness of all possible realities becomes clear, and we watch the gradual dissolution of human culture, as the essence, primal in human intention, of its initiation is touched upon on an individual personal level and actualised.

and so the great possibilities of dimensional engineering become clear as we realise the human consciousness as simply a means of returning to free flowing creation. Culture now is not that which we need to increase in multiplicity, but nurture and maintain towards its natural harmonisation. Maintanance of life, cultivation, organic and geometric unfolding, as it drifts through the days and nights, the silent candle burning, waiting until that point of becoming.

Prima Materia, the dreaming mysteries of DNA, the sub-conscious harmony of manifested spirit. As the conscious seeks higher grasping of the centre, the great beast of nature thrives, its goals unquestionable and its design perfect. Allowance of unfolding, allowance of being, giving in to the inevitable evolutionary process and acceptance of our becoming, of the transformation of air into water, the constant growth and decay of every pregnant moment.

And so the conscious mind begins to get the picture of its transparentness and non-being, and love itself is embodied by the allowance of nature to take its course. Nature, prime and pure, evolving and harmonised, gives life to the disharmonic conscious as it begins to approximate the infinte possibilities of love and light. Beyond any ideas and possibilities, nature always grows, life always replicates and spiral upwards, and nothing ever will stop its inevitble union with its source.

Fourth-Way living, seeking the unified path to walk between all these different aspects of our being and finding that place of harmony where all things come clear. Love itself, pure life, passion, beauty, colour and wonder, awesome, so grand, so pure, so completed in itself. And on our day by day journey, may all of us, dreamers, wanderers, seekers, finders, artisans of life and possibilities finding the keys and opening the doors, may all beings be blessed, in resting peace, so that the life within us may flow. Aum