Monday, March 31, 2008


music as ritual evoker of divine awareness, the spiral uplifting flow from non-being into being and into completed being, the light of awareness of polarity harmonization, the completion of emotional cycles into the liquid flow of being...

dance party culture as nomadic stabilizer, as carrier for multi-dimensional grounding, of autonomous expression transgressing the limitations of capitalism... dancing as transmuter of cultural debris, the weeping feelings and mental geometries finding completion in dance ecstatic ritual... the raw energy of cultural stuff finding its unfolding, the light of awareness from ecstatic dance flowing boyonltly into the water of life, the earth of base following its truth in free flowing fire....

mother culture as literal mother, subconscious stuff to which consciousness is surrendered. the forms and contours by which conscious is fed becomes conditioner of all subsequent content. thus what and who we give in our support to shall be the source of our bias.. the body, the earth, the personal connection to mother earth, being the personal connection to individual form and thus the key to individuation and right conscious creation.

crying to the mother, the surrender of all form to comfort so that earth may carry our love. When we have surrendered unto our body shall we be the creators of our lives beyond our capitalist matrix

our genetic history, feeding back our roots with love, we act as transformers for our family, being the divine child to which we show our mother and father our love... gratitude as our means of unification of the free flowing love of the cosmos

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